Mobile Homes

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Mobile Homes

Post by Jazzyg » Thu Oct 22, 2009 1:46 am

Hi there im new to the forum so... Hello to everyone , well im not new i joined nov 08 but didnt use it due to forgetting i had enrolled here :(

Anyways im gonna have lots of questions as someone who is waiting for PR and hope to move over to Kamloops, Vernon or Kelowna

My first question is does anyone have any thoughts and ideas on buying a mobile for our initial landing and home and stay for a a year or 2 but if we like it more, till we buy another place and use mobile for visiting family etc or rent it out
Im also liking the idea of not having a big mortgage like here in the UK and using the funds we bring to buy one of these mobiles and still have funds to keep us going for a year or 2 till we are sorted with jobs etc.

I have been on MLS and there seems to be a lot of them around and some look as good as our house

Coming from Liverpool UK and spending a lot of my holidays in Wales in caravans which i thought these mobiles would be like i realise they are more a home.

The latest ones ive been looking at are around Vernon but most of the ones i have looked at where in and around Kamloops where we visited for a month in April

We are open to where we live as long as family loves the place and commuting to work isnt a chore like in the UK

Cheers for now


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Re: Mobile Homes

Post by Moops » Sat Oct 24, 2009 1:34 pm

I don't know a lot about mobile homes, but will tell you the little I know!

If you are buying a mobile home in a park, you'll have pad rental fees. Many of the parks are for the over 50 crowd, but there are a couple in the Kelowna area that will allow families. We knew a family that lived in SE Kelowna in a nicely treed park with a fairly large yard/garden.

Some of the mobile homes I've seen were nicely updated, but I guess that depends on the age of the home, upkeep and if any upgrades have been done. From what I've been told, some of the older homes weren't insulated very well and from what I've heard if a fire started, it would spread very quickly. Something to check out!

A few of the parks in our area have closed due to the value of the land and the promise of big returns for the property! Some people will look down on mobile homes, but due to the economic climate, many first time buyers and retirees are purchasing them.

A friend's mother lived in a modular home - they are a bit more costly to purchase, are factory built to specification, allow more design freedom and apparently don't lose their value as quickly. The difference is that they generally haven't got a steel frame or axles, have more wood content, and can be renovated if you choose to in future. Here's a wiki link to give you some background....

2024 … still here adding info to benefit newcomers!

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